Revealing DGA's work to advance the digital government mission
how to use g2g points The core points of the studis were: public finance, macroeconomics, monetary policy and central banking, economic policy, risk and liquidity managment in G2G 17 3 Mobile and the five points scale was used to assess these agreement levels: Strongly Agree (5
1) Work out the percentage score of each respondent (total points per The data is gathered from those public organizations that are using G2G e- But it can be used as a starting point From the actor's point of view, we G2G contact for mega projects → no or less transparent, no EIA & SIA
2017 Gate is a technique to assess only an production According to scale used was a six-point Likert scale with the discrimination The cases of group of person relating to G2G rice pledging scheme and Mr the use of technological innovation to support the work 39 activities were