Cold 4bet
Price:THB 69,699.00 Original
NL5, QQ vs cold 4bet cold 4bet
His 4-bet range might not have existed I'm curious what the ranges look like for later position cold 4bets and from the blinds
www stp4betnet BTN Cold 4-Bet by Stack Depth · If, however, HJ four-bets and CO shoves, BTN calls only with KK and benefits from the opportunity to fold Hi is there anyway to filter hands for when a player faces a cold 4bet ? His 4-bet range might not have existed I'm curious what the ranges look like for later position cold 4bets and from the blinds
lottoup ดีไหม The What: Cold four-betting refers to four-betting without having already put money into the pot For example: The player under-the-gun raises,