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cold 4bet

Regular ราคา 1000 ฿ THB
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cold 4bet

เว็บไซต์ cold 4bet In general our cold 4B sizing can be smaller because we'll have a very strong range, and so our opponents will have a tough time continuing 4x4bet 123 The crisis can then begin to manifest itself on the court in the form of cold shooting streaks and disjointed team chemistry to name a few Likewise

cold 4bet D'abord, deux gros pots gagnés : le premier via un cold 4-bet puis c-bet contre Jean-Noël Thorel et le second en envoyant deux barrels en 5-way  Cold 4bet refers to a 4bet made on the first betting round where that 4bet is a player's very first action in the hand   Cold · Littéralement à froid 1 Cold call : Se contenter de payer la mise ou la relance adverse alors qu'une relance est envisageable, généralement
